Three Hosts of Wilsnack Badge


The Three Hosts of Wilsnack sign exists today in enormous numbers; the only shrine to rival it in surviving examples of souvenirs is Canterbury. Pilgrims would have bought one of these when visiting Wilsnack, the site of a famous miracle in 1383: after the church burned, three hosts (communion wafers) were found unharmed on the altar. The cult ended in 1522 when a bad-tempered Protestant burned the relics. This sign is meant to be sewn onto a garment; there is no pin for attaching it. Following information in a contemporary painting about the original appearance of these badges we have added red paint to each section.

Product details: van Beuningen, H. J. E., and A. M. Koldeweij. Heilig en Profaan [1]. Cothen: Stichting Middeleeuwse religieuze en profane insignes, 1993. No. 130-137.
Dimensions (H x W):
1-3/8 x 1-1/4 inches
35 x 32 mm

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Weight 0.5 oz
Pennsic debut