
Demicients are those low-slung, sexy, High Gothic hip belts ladies wore. (Mac has a magisterial Pinterest page on them at They sometimes barely peek out from underneath a gown or kirtle, and those belts seem like they often suspend a purse. But you mostly see demicients as a top-layer, decorative belt with a chain from which dangles a pomander or some other gewgaw. We have three types of demicient fittings, one of which has numerous variations. We also offer four types of chain to hang from them. All are sold as a suite – two ends and a chain.Paris Arsenal MS 5057. Boccaccio’s Decameron

Remember to look at the width of strap your buckle/chape combination uses – and check your fittings to make sure they are not too wide; the information is given for every stud and eyelet. Before you send us your order, you are welcome to use this form to tell us what pieces you would like to combine for a belt. We will check and let you know right away if they are fine or if you need to make a different choice for one of your pieces.

We sell the parts for DIY (instructions and rivets included), or we would be glad to make your belt for you.

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