Chaplet Decorations with Stones

$5.00$5.85 (Sold by the half dozen (6); 7-hued rainbow mix (7) decorations for $5.85)

We have invented these small “jeweled” decorations to add to chaplets (also called ribands or fillets). They are handsome and combine well with the other chaplet decorations we offer.

Because so many people use the white fittings in circlets, we offer three choices of white.  From left to right in the second image in the gallery:
Ivory White is the opaque “white” stone we have been supplying for the last twenty years; it is a vaguely yellowish off white.
Opal is a new, translucent stone; it shows yellow reflections from the foil behind the milky glass.
Chalk White is our new opaque stone; it is starkly white.
Each is nice in its own way.

Sold by the half dozen (bundles of 6) except….
We also have rainbow mixes. Our six-hued mix includes one each of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The seven-hued mix bridges the gap between green and blue with aquamarine:
Six-hued rainbow (6 chaplet decorations) $5
Seven-hued rainbow (7 chaplet decorations) $5.85


Product details: Chaplet decorations in the style of medieval jewels.
Dimensions (H x W):
3/8 x 5/8 inches
10 x 15 mm

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riband  chaplet   garland   fillet   circlet findings chapelet

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Pennsic debut



Aqua, Blue, Clear, Garnet, Green, Light Green, Opal, Orange, Purple, Red, Rose, Yellow, Black (O), Ivory White (O), Jade Green (O), Turquoise (O), White (O), 6-Hued Rainbow Mix, 7-hued Rainbow Mix (7 chaplet decorations)

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