Two in the Bush Brooch (Shrubbery)


This brooch (copied after one found in Amsterdam and dated 1400-1450) is large and beautiful. It looks splendid on a hat. And, like a fair number of the naughty brooches, it pretends to be something else from a distance. In this case, it resembles the common M-shaped brooches, made not just in pewter but also in precious metals, which apparently refer to the Virgin Mary.

Product details: van Beuningen, H. J. E., and A. M. Koldeweij. Heilig en Profaan [1]. Cothen: Stichting Middeleeuwse religieuze en profane insignes, 1993. No. 622.
Dimensions (H x W):
2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches
57 x 58 mm

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Additional information

Weight 0.5 oz
Pennsic debut