Dirty Money

$3.00 per dozen (12)

Very small “coins” with the sort of ordinary crossed division of the reverses you would expect, while the obverses sport a variety of sex parts individually and in groups of three. The originals were found near Salisbury and were transferred from the H.P. Blackmore Collection to the Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum in 1931. They probably date from 1380-1430.

We supply these coins in dozens, picked randomly from successive casts of our multi-cavity mold.

Product details: Saunders, Peter. Salisbury Museum Medieval Catalogue: Pt. 3, Bone, enamels, glass vessels, pottery, jettons, cloth seals, bullae and lead/tin. . Salisbury: Salisbury & South Wiltshire Museum, 2001. Nos. 90-101.
Dimensions (H x W):
7/16 x 7/16 inches
11 x 11 mm

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scrotum balls bollocks ballocks dick penis cock genitalia vagina vulva pussy cunt “lady parts” sex

erotic erotica smut dirty curiosa naughty goods

Additional information

Weight 0.5 oz

1 dozen, 2 dozen, 3 dozen, 4 dozen, 5 dozen

Pennsic debut