St. Veronica Pendant


A pilgrim sign from Rome, commemorating the story of the woman who wiped Christ’s face as he bore the cross to Calvary.  The cloth, her veil, was imprinted with an image of Christ’s face.  In a characteristically medieval way the veil was called the Vera Icon (true image) or sometimes the Veronica – and the name passed on to the woman in the story.  It was also called the Sudarium – the Sweat Cloth. This account was well known in Europe by the fourteenth century and the event commemorated as the sixth station of the Cross.  By the middle of the fifteenth century the veil was a popular object of pilgrimage, held at St. Peter’s Basilica, and one of the “Mirabilia Urbis” (Wonders of the City).

The original of this badge was apparently made in Rome, and Peter and Paul flank the central figure of St. Veronica displaying the Veil. It is dates 1450-1500. It is openwork and clips held on a metallic or paper backing. We sometimes back these badges with copper sheet and sometimes with brass. If it makes a difference to you, please mention it in the comment box when you check out.

St. Veronica is the patron of photographers, laundry workers, and the spinners and weavers who produce fine linen. Her feast day is July 12.

This pilgrim sign is offered in four versions. You can have it with a pewter, copper, or brass sheet for the backing – or you can buy it with no backing and put in a paper, parchment, or cloth backing of your own choice. If you choose the DIY option we include a paper pattern to copy.



Product details: Van Beuningen, H J. E, and A M. Koldeweij. Heilig En Profaan [1]: 1000 Laatmiddeleeuwse Insignes Uit De Collectie Van H.j.e. Van Beuningen. Cothen: Stichting Middeleeuwse religieuze en profane insignes, 1993. No. 73.
Dimensions (H x W):

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Rome pilgrimage. St. Peter. St. Paul.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 oz
Pennsic debut


Backing material

Pewter sheet backing, Copper sheet backing, Brass sheet backing, No backing – comes with pattern

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